Natural Zinc Supplement | Oyster capsules

By Ben Winters

Zinc is a trace element that is present in every cell of the body, it is the second most abundant trace mineral in humans, after iron. 

Zinc supports the function of the enzymes that aid in metabolism, digestion, nerve function, and many other processes. In addition to its role in fundamental biological processes, zinc is a critical component in the growth and development of all organisms, making it an indispensable nutrient throughout life. 

Zinc supports immune function, helping the body to fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Zinc also contributes to wound healing and skin health, and supports proper growth and development, especially during pregnancy, infancy, and childhood, as it supports proper cell growth and DNA synthesis. 

Additionally, zinc is important for maintaining a healthy sense of taste and smell, as it supports the functioning of the enzymes responsible for these senses. Overall, the benefits of zinc touch on nearly every aspect of human health, from immune defense to cellular repair and sensory functions.

Zinc is found naturally in a variety of foods, such as meat, shellfish; especially oysters, legumes, seeds, and nuts, zinc is also available as a dietary supplement, often in the form of zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, or zinc acetate.

The foods richest in zinc tend to be protein-rich items, including both animal and plant-based sources. Understanding which foods are high in zinc can help in planning a diet that ensures adequate intake of this essential mineral.

Shellfish are among the best sources of zinc, especially oysters. A single medium oyster can provide more than 50% of the daily recommended value of zinc. Other shellfish like crab, lobster, and mussels are also good sources.

Red meat, particularly beef, lamb, and pork, contain high levels of zinc. Beef is particularly beneficial as it also provides other vital nutrients like iron and B vitamins.

Poultry, such as chicken and turkey, are good sources of zinc, especially the dark meat. These are also excellent protein sources and are lower in fat compared to red meat.

Zinc can also be found in legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans. While not as high as animal sources, they are significant for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. However, legumes also contain phytates, which can inhibit the absorption of zinc, so it's beneficial to consume them in a varied diet.

Nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds, cashews, and almonds are not only rich in zinc but also contain healthy fats, fiber, and other minerals. They make for a great snack and can be easily incorporated into various recipes.

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are also good sources of zinc, offering the added benefit of calcium and protein. They can be a particularly important source of zinc in vegetarian diets.

Whole grains such as wheat, quinoa, rice, and oats contain zinc. Similar to legumes, they also contain phytates, but they can contribute to the overall zinc intake when consumed as part of a diverse diet.

Some breakfast cereals are fortified with zinc. These can be an easy and convenient way to boost zinc intake, especially for children.

Dark chocolate contains a notable amount of zinc. While it should be consumed in moderation due to its sugar and calorie content, it can be a delightful way to add zinc to your diet.

Incorporating a variety of these zinc-rich foods into your diet can help ensure adequate intake of this essential mineral. It's important for individuals, especially those on restricted diets, to be mindful of their zinc sources to maintain optimal health.

While dietary sources can provide a significant amount of zinc, supplementation can be an effective way to ensure adequate intake, particularly for those with dietary restrictions or increased nutritional needs. 

Among the various options available, natural zinc supplements derived from oysters stand out for their unique benefits and high bioavailability.

Oysters are naturally rich in zinc, making their concentrated form in capsules an efficient and potent way to supplement this essential mineral. These natural zinc capsules not only provide a high concentration of zinc but also include all the other beneficial nutrients found in oysters, such as amino acids, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. 

Opting for oyster capsules, offers a more bioavailable form of zinc, that is more readily absorbed and utilised by the body, compared to synthetic alternatives.